[jdom-interest] BUG: XMLOutputter inserts extra empty lines

james todd james.todd at Sun.COM
Fri Dec 7 11:08:58 PST 2001

> Agreed, the structure is highly flexible, and instead of traversing for each
> filter, they could be made to work in sequence for each node, by making a
> filter that drives another set of filters. Such a filter is shown in the
> book chapter I quoted from above.

ahhhhh ... i see. i didn't think 'bout that approach. this sounds just
about right. very cool.

- james

Hallvard Tratteberg wrote:
> Hi,
> > ... would it be viable to create a "filter" structure whereby one can
> > provide a list of adapters that are singularly focussed?
> I've been toying with the same idea, a kind of output-analog to the Builder,
> SAXBuilder and SAXParser structure that is used when reading, parsing and
> building a document. The idea is to use the SAXReader (or SAXFilter)
> interface to also perform output, and I believe there are SAXReaders that do
> this already, i.e. receive SAX events and write out a new XML document
> (Quote from first draft of SAX Filters, Chapter 8 of Processing XML with
> Java at Cafe con Leche."I'm going to use David Megginson's public domain
> com.megginson.sax.XMLWriter class. This class not only implements
> ContentHandler. It's also an XMLFilter. "
> This SAX event writer class would be driven by a SAXShredder (opposite of
> Builder) wrapped by a Shredder. The SAXShredder would traverse the JDOM
> document and call the appopriate handlers in the SAXReader/SAXFilter. This
> structure could be used for other tasks, too, such as transforming and
> searching for particular elements or text strings (this would require an
> NodeFoundException, to return the found node).
> > this would very likely be more expensive as it would require a traversal
> > for each filter ... but this is the only downside i see at the moment.
> Agreed, the structure is highly flexible, and instead of traversing for each
> filter, they could be made to work in sequence for each node, by making a
> filter that drives another set of filters. Such a filter is shown in the
> book chapter I quoted from above.
> Hallvard
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