[jdom-interest] schema validation

philip.nelson at omniresources.com philip.nelson at omniresources.com
Thu May 24 06:09:42 PDT 2001

I think the 4 parameter constructor of Attribute is gone or deprecated.
What you are unwittingling trying to do is create a namespace as an
attribute but what you want is a namespace with a prefix of "".  It always
ends up clearer to simply declare your namespaces and then add them so to
produce xmlns="http://www.publishing.org" do

Namespace defns = Namespace.getNamespace( "http://www.publishing.org");

//And now to get what you are after
Element root = new Element("BookCatalogue", defns);
Namespace xsi = Namespace.getNamespace("xsi",

root.addAttribute(new Attribute("schemaLocation",
"http://www.publishing.org/BookCatalogue.xsd", xsi));   

> I been working through a tutorial on XML Schema by Roger L. 
> Costello, but I
> am having difficulties reproducing the xml schema format with 
> jdom as he
> describes it. An example,
> <BookCatalogue xmlns="http://www.publishing.org"
>    xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2000/10/XMLSchema-instance"
>                xsi:schemaLocation=
>                               "http://www.publishing.org
>                                BookCatalogue.xsd">
> Using jdom
> root.addAttribute( new Attribute( "schemaLocation", "xsi",
>     "http://www.w3.org/2000/10/XMLSchema-instance",
>     "http://www.publishing.org BookCatalogue.xsd" ) );
> This creates
> xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2000/10/XMLSchema-instance"
> xsi:schemaLocation=
>                    "http://www.publishing.org
>                     BookCatalogue.xsd"
> But I am unable to produce the following attribute:
> xmlns="http://www.publishing.org"
> When I try
> root.addAttribute( new Attribute( "xmlns", 
> "http://www.publishing.org" ) );
> I receive the following exception:
> org.jdom.IllegalNameException: The name "xmlns" is not legal 
> for JDOM/XML
> attributes: An Attribute name may not be "xmlns"; use the 
> Namespace class
> to manage namespaces.
> I have tried all of the Attribute ctors with no luck. How can 
> I produce
> this attribute?
> My next question relates to when data validation occurs. 
> Assuming that my
> root element contains a reference to an xml schema, does jdom 
> validate the
> value that is placed into the element, attribute, ?etc. during object
> creation, or is validation only accomplished when an actual 
> xml document is
> created and read back into a jdom object. Example, if a 
> referenced schema
> defines dst:my_data_type as type xsd:integer, will Element el 
> = new Element
> ( "dst:my_data_type" ).addContent( "xyz" ) throw an exception?
> Or is this the only way to validate against a schema:
> try {
>   SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder();
>   Document doc = builder.build(new
>                  File("/some/directory/sample.xml"));
> } catch(JDOMException e){
>   e.printStackTrace();
> } catch(NullPointerException e){
>   e.printStackTrace();
> }
> Thanks,
> Travis L. Steinmetz
> tlsteinmetz at dstsystems.com
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