[jdom-interest] getBooleanValue() in Attribute

Laurent Bihanic laurent.bihanic at atosorigin.com
Tue May 14 09:52:34 PDT 2002

Elliotte Rusty Harold wrote:
> Finally, I suggest we trim white space before makiing the conversion; 
> e.g. "   true    " would be true and "  false  " would be false. 
> Currently these cases throw an exception. This is also in keeping with 
> the behavior of the W3C XML Schema Language.
Parsers are required to report trimmed values. So this would apply only to 
attribute values set directly through JDOM. This brings us back to the thread 
about normalizing attribute values according to their type. A first step could 
be to immediately apply CDATA normalization in Attribute.setValue().

What do you think?


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