[jdom-interest] Using XPath in Multi-Threaded Env

Laurent Bihanic laurent.bihanic at atosorigin.com
Fri Jun 6 00:04:30 PDT 2003

Rajan Gupta wrote:
 > Is it possible to reuse an instance of XPath across multiple threads of
 > execution using different instances of DOM Documents in each thread?

Yes and no!

No because, as no JDOM object is threadsafe, XPath was not designed to be 
threadsafe. For JaxenXPath to be threadsafe, context should be made a thread 
local variable.

Yes because I do it all the time and it works. For that, you should not rely 
on the automatic context-based namespace prefix resolution feature. Which mean 
you should define all namespace prefix mappings using XPath.addNamespace().


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