[jdom-interest] error creating new DOMBuilder

Dirk Reiss d.reiss at tu-bs.de
Thu May 29 08:20:37 PDT 2003

> Your scenario is not plausible. You should either be using DOM or 
> JDOM as your needs and tastes dictate. I see no reason to mix the two 
> to accomplish what you need to accomplish. If you prefer DOM, use a 
> serializer that works with DOM. Xerces has a nice one.

using another serializer should be an option... i will try that... 

thank you all for your help... :)


| Dirk Reiss               |    phone:  ++49 (0) 531 7996276 |                 
| Helmstedter Str. 134     |    mobile: ++49 (0) 162 8925618 |
| D - 38102 Braunschweig   |                                 |
| Germany                  |                d.reiss at tu-bs.de |

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