[jdom-interest] JDOMSource problems with Xalan 2.5.2: vanishing DOCTYPE white spaces

Laurent Bihanic laurent.bihanic at atosorigin.com
Wed May 5 06:31:09 PDT 2004

Indeed, this is a bug in SAXOutputter.

To fix it, look for the method dtdEvents(Document document). In the following 
                // No internal subset defined => Try to parse original DTD
                if ((publicID != null) || (systemID != null)) {
                     if (publicID != null) {
                         buf.append(" PUBLIC ");
                     else {
                         buf.append(" SYSTEM ");
                 else {
                     // Doctype is totally empty! => Skip parsing

Replace the lines:
                         buf.append(" SYSTEM ");
                         buf.append(" SYSTEM");
                     buf.append(" \"").append(systemID).append('\"');

Hope this helps,


Gary Lawrence Murphy wrote:
> I have a legacy application that worked fine with jdom-b8 and
> Xalan 2.0, but for other reasons we have to upgrade to Xalan 2.5.2
> which we've tried with both the XercesImpl shipped with it and 
> with Xerces 2.6.0 with the same results:
> 1) First, we create the jdom.Document dom ...
>    SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder(getSaxClass(), false);
>    builder.setFeature(
>        "http://apache.org/xml/features/nonvalidating/load-external-dtd",
>         false); 
>    dom  = builder.build(new StringReader(doc.toString()));
> 2) Then create the JDOMSource and transformer
>    JDOMSource jds = new JDOMSource(dom);
>    TransformerFactory tfact = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
>    // set tfact optimize on and incremental off
>    Transformer xslt = tfact.newTransformer(new StreamSource(xsl));
>    // xsl is a File object to our transform
> 3) I then apply the transform ...
>    JDOMResult newdom = new JDOMResult();
>    xslt.transform( jds, newdom);
> and get an untrappable error on stderr:
> [Fatal Error] :1:53: White spaces are required between publicId and systemId.
> "1:53" does indeed refer to the space between the public and system
> identifiers in the input files, but those identifiers are clearly
> seperated by a space, a real ASCII space.
> when I check the input documents ...
>    DocType dtd = dom.getDocType();
>     cat.debug( "Process " + doc.getTag()
>                + "\n PublicID = " + dtd.getPublicID()
>                + "\n SystemID = " + dtd.getSystemID());
>     cat.debug( dom.toString());
> I get data that looks just fine ...
>     2004-01-16 15:19:07,396 [Thread-2] DEBUG 
>     ca.cbc.sportwire.dochandler.ToNewsMLFilter  - 
>     Process AutoRacingDriverProfile.dtd #1167699
>     PublicID = -//TSN//DTD Leader 1.0/EN
>     SystemID = file:///home/ticker/ticker/fantasysports/tsn/AutoRacingDriverProfile.dtd
>     2004-01-16 15:19:07,396 [Thread-2] DEBUG 
>     ca.cbc.sportwire.dochandler.ToNewsMLFilter  -
>     [Document: [DocType: <!DOCTYPE message PUBLIC "-//TSN//DTD Leader 1.0/EN" "file:///home/ticker/ticker/fantasysports/tsn/AutoRacingDriverProfile.dtd">], Root is [Element: <message/>]]
> This suggests a problem somewhere between the jdom.Document and the
> Transformer, as if the JDOMSource is somehow trimming this space.
> This code worked fine with the older Xalan and I have upgraded the
> following jars to match the Xalan release:
>     xalan-2.5.2.jar
>     xercesImpl-2.6.0.jar
>     xml-apis-2.6.0.jar
> and the associated JDOM jar files ...
>     28404 Jan 15 16:35 jaxp.jar
>     160967 Jan 15 15:14 jaxen-core.jar
>     5949 Jan 15 15:14 jaxen-jdom.jar
>     135363 Jan 15 15:14 jdom.jar
>     23563 Jan 15 15:14 saxpath.jar
> I am using Linux 2.4.21-0.13mdk i686 and java version "1.4.1_03"
>     Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.1_03-b02)
>     Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.1_03-b02, mixed mode)
> I've verified the same results using 1.4.2 both on the Sun and the
> Blackdown ports.
> What's worse, while we get this "Fatal Error" on every document, it
> does not appear to be fatal at all; processing continues on after the
> transform, and the transformed doc is correctly generated!
> Any and all insights, ideas or probable cause theories are most
> welcome.

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