[jdom-interest] JDOM not using raw typing

Mary Ellen Foster mefoster at gmail.com
Wed Mar 28 04:44:12 PST 2007

On 28/03/07, Hielke Hoeve <hielke.hoeve at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 28/03/07, Victor Toni <victor.toni at ebuconnect.de> wrote:
> > Have you tried one of these?
> > I guess not because they won't work.
> > > javac -source=1.5 -target=1.3
> > > javac -source=1.5 -target=1.4
> No, haven't tried. I assumed it as being a "from the top the head"
> example rather than a copy/past & works example,

I think this is where RetroWeaver comes in
(http://retroweaver.sourceforge.net/): you compile your 1.5 jar file
and then process it to remove the 1.5-isms so that 1.4 JVMs can load

I'm not advocating that JDOM do this, though. I personally -- as a
user, not a developer -- think the best course would be (1) get a 1.01
out in the short term (to fix long-standing bugs like the
empty-namespace issue with Xalan) and then to create a 2.0 that uses
generics. (I'd be willing to help with the latter effort ...)

In practice, how many projects *are* there out there that are still
using 1.4? Has anyone ever actually measured what the actual impact
would be of moving to generics would be?


Mary Ellen Foster

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