[jdom-interest] Implementation of JAXP TraX Source and Result for JDOM

Jason Hunter jhunter at collab.net
Thu Mar 22 02:34:31 PST 2001

> Please find attached an attempt to implement JAXP 1.1 TRaX source (JDOMSource)
> and result (JDOMResult) wrapping JDOM Documents.  These classes have been
> (lightly) tested with Xalan 2.0.0 and so far are OK.

I just added classes based on these to jdom-contrib in the
org.jdom.contrib.transform package.  See the check-in message for


> Jason, again, could SAXHandler be made public (maybe in
> org.jdom.input.helpers, org.jdom.sax.helpers or something similar) or at least
> a protected inner class of SAXbuilder?  Once this done, these classes can be
> moved anywhere.

Done.  Others were asking for this too.


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