[jdom-interest] RE: [Fwd: javasoft bug report that shows up in using JDOM]

Spencer, Dave dave at lumos.com
Mon Nov 18 11:55:42 PST 2002

Jason - no we have not tried the latest 
CVS checkout - we are using the "1.0beta8-dev"
version.  Behavior would be expected to fail
the same way unless StringBuffer, and possibly
the SB.toString() calls changed...(as per the
javasoft bug rep).

-----Original Message-----
From: Jason Hunter [mailto:jhunter at servlets.com]
Sent: Saturday, November 16, 2002 12:56 AM
To: JDOM Interest
Cc: Spencer, Dave
Subject: [Fwd: javasoft bug report that shows up in using JDOM]

Thanks to Dave for pointing out that JDK 1.4.1 has StringBuffer
problems.  Dave, have you checked if the the CVS code has the same


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