
Uses of Class

Packages that use DocType
org.jdom Classes to represent the components of an XML document. 
org.jdom.adapters Classes to interface with various DOM implementations. 
org.jdom.output Classes to output JDOM documents to various destinations. 

Uses of DocType in org.jdom

Methods in org.jdom that return DocType
 DocType UncheckedJDOMFactory.docType(java.lang.String elementName)
 DocType JDOMFactory.docType(java.lang.String elementName)
          This will create the DocType with the specified element name
 DocType DefaultJDOMFactory.docType(java.lang.String elementName)
 DocType UncheckedJDOMFactory.docType(java.lang.String elementName, java.lang.String systemID)
 DocType JDOMFactory.docType(java.lang.String elementName, java.lang.String systemID)
          This will create the DocType with the specified element name and reference to an external DTD.
 DocType DefaultJDOMFactory.docType(java.lang.String elementName, java.lang.String systemID)
 DocType UncheckedJDOMFactory.docType(java.lang.String elementName, java.lang.String publicID, java.lang.String systemID)
 DocType JDOMFactory.docType(java.lang.String elementName, java.lang.String publicID, java.lang.String systemID)
          This will create the DocType with the specified element name and a reference to an external DTD.
 DocType DefaultJDOMFactory.docType(java.lang.String elementName, java.lang.String publicID, java.lang.String systemID)
 DocType Document.getDocType()
          This will return the DocType declaration for this Document, or null if none exists.
 DocType DocType.setElementName(java.lang.String elementName)
          This will set the root element name declared by this DOCTYPE declaration.
 DocType DocType.setPublicID(java.lang.String publicID)
          This will set the public ID of an externally referenced DTD.
 DocType DocType.setSystemID(java.lang.String systemID)
          This will set the system ID of an externally referenced DTD.

Methods in org.jdom with parameters of type DocType
 Document UncheckedJDOMFactory.document(Element rootElement, DocType docType)
 Document JDOMFactory.document(Element rootElement, DocType docType)
          This will create a new Document, with the supplied Element as the root element and the supplied DocType declaration.
 Document DefaultJDOMFactory.document(Element rootElement, DocType docType)
 Document UncheckedJDOMFactory.document(Element rootElement, DocType docType, java.lang.String baseURI)
 Document JDOMFactory.document(Element rootElement, DocType docType, java.lang.String baseURI)
          This will create a new Document, with the supplied Element as the root element and the supplied DocType declaration.
 Document DefaultJDOMFactory.document(Element rootElement, DocType docType, java.lang.String baseURI)
 Document Document.setDocType(DocType docType)
          This will set the DocType declaration for this Document.

Constructors in org.jdom with parameters of type DocType
Document(Element rootElement, DocType docType)
          This will create a new Document, with the supplied Element as the root element and the supplied DocType declaration.
Document(Element rootElement, DocType docType, java.lang.String baseURI)
          This will create a new Document, with the supplied Element as the root element, the supplied DocType declaration, and the specified base URI.

Uses of DocType in org.jdom.adapters

Methods in org.jdom.adapters with parameters of type DocType
 org.w3c.dom.Document DOMAdapter.createDocument(DocType doctype)
          This creates an empty Document object based on a specific parser implementation with the given DOCTYPE.
 org.w3c.dom.Document AbstractDOMAdapter.createDocument(DocType doctype)
          This creates an empty Document object based on a specific parser implementation with the given DOCTYPE.

Uses of DocType in org.jdom.output

Methods in org.jdom.output with parameters of type DocType
 void XMLOutputter.output(DocType doctype, java.io.OutputStream out)
          Print out the DocType.
 void XMLOutputter.output(DocType doctype, java.io.Writer out)
          Print out the DocType.
 java.lang.String XMLOutputter.outputString(DocType doctype)
          Return a string representing a DocType.
protected  void XMLOutputter.printDocType(java.io.Writer out, DocType docType)
          This handle printing the DOCTYPE declaration if one exists.


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